Monday, March 26, 2018

Week 80

​This week was a great one! We worked really hard this week and I was kind of dying here at the end haha! We have been putting in some extra effort because Rocha has been really hard for missionary work, and we decided that we needed to do something new to overcome all the opposition here. We have started getting up a little early and doing all our studies back-to-back in the morning so that we have about 12 full hours of proselyting time during the day. We do take a little time for lunch, but then we get right back to it! The first few  days were REALLY hard haha! I was really fighting getting up, but now it hasn`t been too bad and we are seeing some great blessings! I feel like I felt my first few weeks in the mission, tired, hungry, and a little sick, but it will all be worth it if we can really start to help the people here! Haha! We are really hoping to see some success in these next few weeks! 

This week we had two conferences with President Eddy! It was awesome! One was in Montevideo and the other was in Maldonado so I got to go back and see my old area! It was great to learn from President Eddy and see some old friends in the mission!

We also worked super hard this week inviting people to come to church and it just so happened to dump rain all Sunday morning...  It seems like everyday of the week is crystal clear until Sunday and then the heavens dump on us.  We had taught two youth aged kids this week and we taught them the song "Nephi`s Courage". So when we called them Sunday morning to see if they would still let us walk them to church even though it was raining they said, "I will go and I will do!" They are super cool youth and understand the Book of Mormon incredibly well! It was a great testimony builder to see these two young kids walk to church in the rain when some of our other investigators saw it as an excuse to stay home! I hope we can all have the faith of Diogo and Belén, so that when we are tempted to shy away from keeping the commandments or doing what we know is right we can say, "I will go and do!"

Love y'all!

Elder Cole    

​​Video: Me feeding the Capybara
1. A live Capybara
2./3. Walking in the rain to church! 

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