Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Week 51

This week was full of ups and downs! This last P-day I had the chance to get to know a part of Maldonado called Punta del Este, which is like the richest part of all Maldonado! I got to go see the famous fingers in the sand and eat McDonald's (it is a pretty rare thing here in Uruguay)! We also walked down to the port and looked for a guy from Switzerland that sells waffles on the beach... but we never ended up finding him haha! 

I also got to work with two other missionaries this week, so that we could learn from each other! Both times we had a hard time because we met a lot of closed doors, even for lessons that we had set up. But we worked hard and at the end of one night we ended up teaching a cool family and they must have felt the Spirit because they agreed to come to church on Sunday! I feel like this always happens on my mission; we work really hard all day and don`t have much luck until the last hour of the day and we end up seeing some great miracle and we go home feeling satisfied with the success we had that day! 

Life is good here in Maldonado! Hope all is well at home! I always pray for y'all! Hope everyone enjoys going back to school! ;P 

Elder Cole

Parts from the family email:

Hey Ma! The mission work is going good! I am doing alright with everything don`t worry.... I guess if you could send me some new soles for my shoes that would be great, my other ones are starting to look rough. 

They didn`t really celebrate Independence Day here... people in the big cities in Uruguay aren`t very patriotic, not like the states. The night before their Independence Day they had "nostalgic night" where everyone listens to old music from like the 80`s. That was cool, but they didn`t start partying til like 9:30 so we didn`t get to see anything. 

I have some cool pictures, but the computer I am at now is broken and can`t send pics so maybe next week... 

This week was good! I got to work with two other missionaries in exchanges for a couple of days so that we can learn from each other. One was...  but the other worked really hard and was great! It is super cool to be on the mission and meet all sorts of different people and different cultures! 

We also went to "La Mano" here in Maldonado which was super cool and is pretty well known throughout the world!  I have also eaten more McDonald's in the last two weeks than the other ten months of my mission haha! 

We have been having some good luck finding people to teach, but it is super hard to talk to anyone a second time, but we are working on it haha! Hope everything is good at home! Also if you can I need more Spanish CTR rings! Love y'all!

Elder Cole

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