This week was great... and wet. It rained a ton here! It rained for like 3-4 days straight and everything we had was super moist and things started getting moldy haha! I can now honestly say that humidity is not for me. The day that was actually raining the hardest, we should have been doing our weekly planning, but someone in our ward called and asked for a priesthood blessing and so we took off in the downpour for a little neighborhood way out in the middle of no where! It was a great opportunity to serve a little old lady that has some tough illnesses. The mission is an awesome experience to get to serve at all times and to just help people, putting aside anything else!
This Sunday we also had a special broadcast for Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay. We got to hear a few members of the Seventy and Elder Rasband of the Twelve! It was super cool because almost every speaker has visited Uruguay and told personal stories about the faith and testimonies of the people in these three South American countries! I really love the mission and all that the Lord has called for me to do!
Love you all! I am praying for you! If you can please pray that our investigators can quit smoking Marijuana!
Elder Cole
Parts from the family email:
Hey Ma! Maldonado is super cool! It is pretty modern, but our area is in just some neighborhoods so it is pretty similar to my other areas, but is definitely a better standard of living. The people here are wealthier than most of Uruguay, but in the part called Punta del Este there are people that are SUPER rich! They have like huge mansions. But Punta del Este isn`t in our area either.
Our ward is pretty big, there are about 110 people that are active. They feed us pretty well. We have a few investigators, but everyone works a ton here so that they can support their lifestyle so it is super hard to talk to someone more than once. So we are looking for some new people to teach and we are excited to see what we can do!
My comp is pretty cool! We get along well. He is from California so he is super chill and has some Californian slang haha!
I have been wearing my boots because it dumps sometimes and those boots save my life! Haha!
This week was pretty relaxed. We did a ton of looking for new investigators and we found a few really good people! We also had a guy that we met this week come to church, which was super cool because my companion said that it has been a while since an investigator has come to church!Photo credit to Bro Wankier @

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