Monday, May 7, 2018

Week 86

This week has been awesome! On Tuesday we had a ward activity and it was great to get to know a lot of the members! Then we worked like normal and it was incredible the spiritual guidance we had! We just started "knowing" where to go without having to think about it.  We had planned in the morning to swing by a guy named Pablo at like 7:30 that night, but when we left our house in the afternoon, we just kind of showed up at his house... We have no idea how we ended up getting there either, but we found him at home and we were able to talk to him and really get him excited to read the Book of Mormon! He had even read quit a bit since the last time we talked to him! 

On Wednesday we headed down to Montevideo for a meeting with President Eddy. I was EXHAUSTED! It was not the shortest or smoothest bus ride of my life, but the meeting was incredible and I learned a ton! I could just feel the Spirit guiding us as we all learned together! 

I convinced my companion this week to do the crazy schedule and work like 11 hours a day. It was rough for the first few days, but we are seeing a ton of miracles so we kind of can`t stop now haha! We have started really gaining the trust of the members this week and I can tell that there is a lot of potential for great missionary work here in Melo, we just have to find it!  

I really love it here! I have learned so much about faith lately! I can just feel my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ growing and I am excited to see what more He has for me to do! As my faith has grown my ability to hear and follow spiritual impressions has grown as well. I have really come to develop a relationship with the Lord over these last few months. I feel Him guiding me everyday and I know that He is with each one of us! My way of working, thinking, praying and studying the scriptures have all changed because I now feel His loving guidance in almost everything I do!  The Holy Ghost is truly a wonderful, God-given gift and I am thankful that it is given to each of us as we are baptized and remain faithful til the end!

Hope y'all are doing well! The days are flying by down here and I am just trying to enjoy all that I can! Love y'all!

Elder Cole

1. Our church building right next to the house
2. Our view from the 4th floor apartment

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