Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Week 90

This week was a week just full of the Spirit after Elder Holland´s visit!  We just seemed to have the Spirit so powerfully in the lessons that we taught! It was incredible! We were also guided all week to find the people that the Lord wanted us to find. We have been teaching a super great lady named Nirian lately and she is amazing! When we first met her she told us right away that she was from another church and believed in that church.... But since everyone always tells us that we just kept talking to her and gave her a Book of Mormon. She promised to read it and pray about it and then we left. For over a week we lost contact with her, but then we finally found her and she had read all the way til the end of 2 Nephi! We asked if she prayed and she said that she did and that it is true! We then explained baptism and invited her to be baptized and she said she would love to be baptized again in the true church of Christ! She then has been reading a ton and even invited everyone at church to her baptism before we could invite them! She also came up with a plan and sent us over to talk to her son and try to convert him too! Haha! She´s great!

We also found a guy named Nelson this week. We were looking for a young woman we contacted named Paulina and ended up finding an older man named Nelson. He is super poor in spirit! He just seems to sad all the time and is really going through a rough time in his life. He has been drinking his problems away and now recognizes that it doesn´t help. We said that we could help him change his life and get back on track. In the 30 minutes that we talked to him he accepted baptism, committed to stop drinking/smoking, said he would come to church, and cried 3 or 4 times. It was a very humbling charla. We found out later that he is an old friend of the bishop´s wife and when we told her we were teaching him she said, "I guess you can´t judge anyone! The Lord is preparing those we least expect!" Please Pray for Nelson so that he can put his past behind him and make the changes in his life he needs to in order to be happy. We are also teaching a guy named Mario. He is both deaf and mute so it is a challenge teaching him. He thinks God hates him and it is super sad! Please keep him in your prayers! 

Love y'all!  I know that this is the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I know that if we let the Lord, He will change us in ways we cannot imagine! I am excited to see what the Lord can do in the lives of these Uruguayos while I am here! I know He will do great things!


Elder Cole

1. The homemade dulce de leche we ate after lunch the other day
2. The "mexican" hotdog cart we found hiding in our area

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