My mom says that some of my emails didn´t go through, but she has them so they´ll probably be on my Facebook or something haha!
Anyways this week was great! I got to have my first argument with an atheist so that was interesting! Haha! It ended up well and we´ll see what he thinks of the Book of Mormon! I also get called all sorts of names here, I know most of the bad words thanks to growing up in Warden haha! But yesterday a little old Catholic man called me an Anti-Christ! Haha! That´s a new one! He was really passionate about religion and yelled at us the whole time we walked away! Also some drunk homeless guys tried to ask me for my shoes a couple nights ago! Haha! I really felt bad for the guys but I kinda need these shoes.
I´m doing good for the most part. The blisters on my feet have finally turned to calluses (no idea how to spell that haha). So I´m feeling good!
We also got to go to a conference with Elder Rasband of the 12 Apostles!!! As soon as he walked into the room you could just feel the Spirit and there was no denying he was a prophet of God! Both Uruguayan missions were there and he shook the hand of all 400+ missionaries in attendance! It was incredible to shake his hand! He truly is a man of God! I know it! I can testify of it! I have felt it!
I´m so glad to be a missionary and have experiences like this and share these experiences with others here in Uruguay! Thinking about y´all! Love ya! See ya soon!
I´m doing good for the most part. The blisters on my feet have finally turned to calluses (no idea how to spell that haha). So I´m feeling good!
We also got to go to a conference with Elder Rasband of the 12 Apostles!!! As soon as he walked into the room you could just feel the Spirit and there was no denying he was a prophet of God! Both Uruguayan missions were there and he shook the hand of all 400+ missionaries in attendance! It was incredible to shake his hand! He truly is a man of God! I know it! I can testify of it! I have felt it!
I´m so glad to be a missionary and have experiences like this and share these experiences with others here in Uruguay! Thinking about y´all! Love ya! See ya soon!
Elder Cole
From the family email:
Haha! Love seeing the pics! The weather is good... its weird, some days its hot and other days its freezing. But it hasn´t been bad.
You can pray for a man named Daniel, his daughter was just baptized and now he is listening to the lessons; but he wont accept any actions and hasn´t admitted he wants the gospel, but its obvious he is interested. We are gonna ask him about baptism this week... hope we don't scare him away! Also we have a recent convert who is having some personal problems and is talking to other churches so maybe pray for him too, his name is Brian.
We played Risk all last P-day with four other missionaries. I have´nt played soccer yet cause Pres. Eddy has a rule against more than six missionaries meeting anywhere even at the church. And another rule where we can´t play soccer with the people here cause some missionaries got hurt... kinda a bummer cause I wanted to play soccer with some real latinos haha! But its all good.
I like the food, but they don´t season anything and make up for it by using fat and grease... it tastes good but I'm gonna be 300 pounds if I´m not careful haha!
The nights are good now. And YES thats my house haha!
This week was kinda depressing for our work. Lots of our appointments feel through (like all of them) but we talked to the lady who slammed the door on us a few weeks ago and she was super nice and talked to us for like an hour and we are meeting with here again this week. She told us she has depression. It's possible we just caught her on a bad day and so it´ll be interesting to teach her! Haha!
Here is his house.
From the family email:
Haha! Love seeing the pics! The weather is good... its weird, some days its hot and other days its freezing. But it hasn´t been bad.
You can pray for a man named Daniel, his daughter was just baptized and now he is listening to the lessons; but he wont accept any actions and hasn´t admitted he wants the gospel, but its obvious he is interested. We are gonna ask him about baptism this week... hope we don't scare him away! Also we have a recent convert who is having some personal problems and is talking to other churches so maybe pray for him too, his name is Brian.
We played Risk all last P-day with four other missionaries. I have´nt played soccer yet cause Pres. Eddy has a rule against more than six missionaries meeting anywhere even at the church. And another rule where we can´t play soccer with the people here cause some missionaries got hurt... kinda a bummer cause I wanted to play soccer with some real latinos haha! But its all good.
I like the food, but they don´t season anything and make up for it by using fat and grease... it tastes good but I'm gonna be 300 pounds if I´m not careful haha!
The nights are good now. And YES thats my house haha!
This week was kinda depressing for our work. Lots of our appointments feel through (like all of them) but we talked to the lady who slammed the door on us a few weeks ago and she was super nice and talked to us for like an hour and we are meeting with here again this week. She told us she has depression. It's possible we just caught her on a bad day and so it´ll be interesting to teach her! Haha!
I´m really starting to feel the Spirit, and at one point we were teaching an old less active couple and he was kinda sick and his wife kept asking us to give him a blessing. My companion told them that if he wasn't better by our next visit, we would give him a blessing. I kept my mouth shut cause my companion would have to be the one to give the blessing cause his Spanish is better than mine. Then while the wife was talking about something else, I got the impression that we could not leave that house without giving a blessing. After that I planned to whisper to my companion that we needed to give a blessing even if it meant that I had to do it. But right after I thought this, my companion offered to give the blessing! It was great cause I know that at that moment the Spirit spoke to each of us individually. I have never had a more distinct impression than I did during this lesson.
Also PACKAGES ARE GOOD! The mail opened up this week and missionaries were getting packages like crazy!
I feel so great right now and I just feel love for everyone! Its not too hard of work, but I fall asleep really fast and the mornings are hard. I´m glad I learned to work hard at home cause I´m doing a lot better than some missionaries who have more time here. I never feel like I have enough sleep, but I´m surviving.
You guys can email me back while I´m still on, I don't have too many girls to email haha. Love ya Pa! You´d never be able to live here... the culture is too different than your personality haha!
Tell Brenton I love him and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I look forward to playing basketball with him and hopefully I´m still taller when I get home! Love y'all.
Elder Cole

Stole this from a mom on FB. Hope she is okay with it haha!
Here is his house.
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