Monday, July 2, 2018

Week 94

This week was a pretty normal week. We saw a ton of little miracles and met some really great people, but sadly some of the people we met this week decided that they didn`t want to follow Jesus Christ. At first it was kinda rough to just see them reject the most important message in the world, but everyone gets to choose and it just means I have more time to focus on those who want to come closer to God! 

We had a conference with President Eddy and interviews with him this week! I am super glad to be working with President Eddy here in Uruguay! I have learned so much from him and I don`t really know what kind of a missionary I would be if it wasn`t for him. The conference went well! I learned a lot. Just when I thought I was getting enough time in the mission and I knew everything I was shown there is just so much more to do! 

Uruguay played Portugal this week too and WON!!! We decided to do our studying at that time because it is almost pointless to be in the street when Uruguay is playing. It turns into a ghost town around here! Every once in a while we would hear just a rumbling noise rolling through the city and we knew that is was just a few thousand Uruguayos cheering for a goal! The whole country was pretty much partying all day after they won haha! 

This week we had a pretty neat little miracle! We have been teaching Mario, our deaf and mute investigator, for some time now and he doesn`t exactly progress very quickly so we haven`t been going by very often. But in this last lesson that we had with him, Mario prayed! Of course Mario doesn`t know how to speak, but as we kneeled together he mumbled some things and although I didn`t understand a word the Spirit was there! It was a super cool experience! I have truly come to love praying! It has helped me numberless times on my mission and I have seen it change the lives of numberless others as well! How special it is that we can each talk to Our Heavenly Father, God! The Ruler of all that is! I am glad that at this time in my life I can help others connect themselves with Him through prayer and baptism! 

Love y'all!

Elder Cole

1-2. Just sleeping easy after the Uruguay/Portugal game
3. My companion painting his nails (clear) after I convinced him that it would help him quit biting them haha!

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