Monday, February 20, 2017

Week 23

This week was good! .... this week was hot! We are just running all over the place. We helped the Zone Leaders in their area this week, and that was actually really good! It was nice to be outside my area for a day! Haha! 

We also got to teach some street thugs about the Book of Mormon because they liked my accent and just wanted to make fun of the way I talk haha! 

We tried to talk to an investigator and she didn`t have time. But before we left, we were talking to her brother and his friends while they were smoking in the street and they wanted to have  a lesson, so we stuck around and we ended up giving away three Book of Mormons. And the investigator that didn`t have time, joined us and asked some good questions. I guess my American accent is good for something haha! 

We also had a talent show in our ward and we decided to act too. It ended up really well and even in church, people were talking a little bit about our act. 

I was a little sick this week, but its all good. I`m still alive. Hope all is going well at home! The life here is good! I just can`t wait for winter!  

Elder Cole

Parts from the family email (again, the beginning is answers to our questions):

No, I don`t think the snakes are poisonous here. Yeah, all the pasta has a meat sauce and so its really good! Mostly I just take pictures of the baptisms because our area is just houses, nothing cool. I have been trying to send pictures, but these computers don´t work well with my camera cord but I`ll try again today. 

They have fast food, but we don`t eat at them. There are food trucks too, but I`ve only eaten once at a food truck. The water in Las Piedras is clean... I think.... but other parts of Uruguay it`s brown haha! 

The investigators are doing good! Everyone thinks I`ll leave Las Piedras this next transfer, but we`ll see... 

That`s great about boys basketball! 

People here love to ask me about Donald Trump and it's always awkward cause really I have no idea what is happening in the US... Really I`d rather teach the law of chastity than talk about Trump with Latinos haha! I`ll pray for Natalie. 

This week we had a baptism. He`s a nine year old kid. He`s pretty cool.... he just has a hard time with my accent so its always kinda a pain to teach him haha! 

I was a little sick this week. I woke up  with a migraine and a fever. But we went to work like normal. It was one of the worst days of my mission. I just felt awful and I couldn't think clearly. But I lived. That night in the house I was just a mess. My companion made me take my temperature and it was 101.8. So we decided to call Hermana Eddy and make sure that I was going to be ok haha. I`ve been slowly getting better, just glad I have ibuprofen. Haha! 

 Baptism of Rodrigo

We can have 2 activities every change now in each zone so we can just get together and play games, sports, eat. Its pretty nice to get to know the other missionaries more.

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