Monday, October 9, 2017

Week 56

This week was great! It was actually kind of a short work week for us. We had a conference in Montevideo, and then we stayed over night because my companion had to sign some legal papers and I just got to relax and not do too much while we waited haha! 

This week we saw all sorts of miracles too! And it was interesting because every miracle we saw came from another disappointment. A lot of times during my mission when things don`t go as planned and the lessons we have fall through, I get a little disappointed and frustrated; but this week I just made it a point to try and be positive no matter what happened! God knows everything and if I am fully willing to trust in Him, sometimes He wants me to do things that I wasn`t planning on. This week we had times when we would try to visit investigators and they weren`t home, but instead of getting upset, I made it a point to look for what the Lord wanted me to do in that moment other than what I had planned. It has been hard actually to get myself to start thinking this way, but we have seen so many little miracles and I feel like I am using my time way more now and I feel happier.  I guess I just try to always think of what the Lord`s will is and try to forget what my own plans are... I hope that I can get really good at training myself to think like this so when things don`t go as planned after the mission, I can keep trusting in the Lord and doing His will in my life. I was thinking about the General Conference we just had and I realized that several speakers spoke of trusting in the Lord, and so I have tried to trust in Him all I could this week. I gave Him all I had. I love this quote from conference, 

"We cannot control all that happens to us, but we have absolute control over how we respond to the changes in our lives. This does not imply that the challenges and trials we face are of no consequence and easily handled or dealt with. It does not imply that we will be free from pain or heartache. But it does mean that there is cause for hope and that due to the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can move forward and find better days—even days full of joy, light, and happiness."
 - Bishop W. Christopher Waddell. 

I hope you all are well! I love you all and you are always in my prayers!

Elder Cole

Parts from the family email:

Hey Ma! Yeah, I really like our area! Since my new companion got here we really started taking off! We should be seeing some baptisms soon! 

There are these things called tortugones that you can only eat in Maldonado and they are incredible. I love them! There is all sorts of great food here! The members say that the missionaries get fat in our ward so I guess we will see haha! 

Yeah Mom only 10 months...... unless I extend...... ;)  That is awesome that you guys have been reading more! I have really realized how important it is to read the Book of Mormon everyday and also as a family. I can`t tell you how many families are having issues with their kids and if they were just having better family home evenings and scripture studies than it would help, but usually by the point of problems it is too late to start doing those things.  Love ya Ma!

(Below pictures) Photo credit to Brother and Sister Wankier

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